The Hundred

MMORPG meets Quizzing

For the Explorers

For the Gamers

For the Educators

The Hundred is an upcoming MMORPG developed by

We are passionate about this unique game idea and its impact on those who play

In this phase, we are looking for people who can support us making The Hundred happen

The Game

In The Hundred, you immerse yourself in battles between heroes, dragons and beasts. Your mission: Assist your team by solving quiz questions.

But quizzing is only one aspect of the battles. You need a sharp strategy, too. Combine and place your heroes and dragons wisely. Level them up, forge better gear, and improve their battle skills.

But The Hundred is also about you. Soon, you will become a lot better at quizzing and add strength, resilience and speed to your battle forces. You will also unlock new capabilities and develop advanced strategies.

Over time, you will join a guild, play with friends, and take part in challenging events. At Scintilla, we have created an AI that keeps The Hundred interesting, fresh, and challenging forever. There is always something new, something novel, and something different. You can play The Hundred from the cradle to the grave and never grow tired of it.


Under the hood, The Hundred is content agnostic. An eight-year-old quizzing on dinosaurs and the planets can compete with players engaged in history, geography or difficult science.

Unlike any other quiz, you will not win by answering hard questions alone. You will win by answering questions that challenge you personally, extend your knowledge, and are new and interesting to you.

By default, The Hundred will cover 12 topics with 100 questions each. The AI ensures you quiz up quickly, and after about 20 hours of gameplay, you will have mastered the standard levels. Beyond that, you can choose more free and paid-for content that suits your interests. The Hundred turns into The Thousands. It will keep you battling and quizzing for many months and years.


You are the first hero of the Hundred. You start by building your own character, and in the first half hour of the game, you are introduced to the mechanics. You encounter your first beast, and you are the only hero to fight it. You will have 20 spaces where to place your character. Some will be great for the battle and protect you from the beast’s attack, but some will be exposed. If you have placed your character well, you will win the battle, and the beast will drop a hero orb. You will be sent to Seven Mile Bottom, the central village of your world.

Once you arrive, you find the hero hall and summon your first hero. Congratulations! You now have 2 heroes. You can place up to 5 in your battles. You will find that some heroes work well together and others get in each other’s way. Synergy and placement are essential for your battle strategy, and the way your game develops depends on the skills of the heroes you summon (and later, the dragons you hatch)


Seven Mile Bottom is a friendly village. There is a blacksmith, a shopkeeper, a landlord, a mage and many others. The villagers often get in trouble and need your help to sort out their day-to-day problems. You will be able to solve some of those on the spot, but when you get stuck, there is always a quest to find out how to solve the puzzle.

Plan a trip to the five biggest American cities for the tailor. Assist the farmer with a lever to remove a boulder from a pen. Discover how to make the baker’s bread rolls nice and fluffy. Each successful quest adds an arrow to your bow, preparing you for the quizzing that lies ahead. Once it is unlocked, you will become the centre of the beast battles yourself.

The villagers are generous with rewards. Receive resources for your efforts, building material, hero gear and … Dragon Eggs!

Hatch Dragons

Dragons are hatched not summoned.

Hatching requires patience and dedication. Build up your own base with buildings dedicated to raising and training your dragons. There is the hatchery itself, as well as plots to grow dragon food (they are fussy eaters), craft gear, and places for them to play and relax. There are training grounds to make your dragons ferocious fighters and invaluable in your battles.

Over time, you can take up to three dragons into each battle. Some will protect your heroes from damage, others will help with the attack. There are dragons with healing abilities and some with special skills. But watch out! Never choose a fire-breathing dragon when fighting with ice heroes!


Soon you will discover a vast world to explore. You will forage for many of the resources and ingredients you need and hunt for beasts that drop the rarest and most valuable items.

In The Hundred you rear your dragons and build your heroes. Dragons develop incredible power when fed the right food, but they get stressed easily and require plenty of recovery. Don’t forget to build up the dragon spa in your base - the dragons will thank you for it!

Heroes need less attention. Equip them with gear, level up their skills, and strengthen their armour. As you forage and hunt, you will soon have some of your heroes at level 10.

And this will change your game forever.

You are a fighter, too

Every hero has one unique skill that powers up in battles. Heroes launch them when they are ready, and they can deal incredible damage. And you can amplify them! Answer a quick quiz question and you earn a buff for your team. Some answers will multiply the attack, others will increase healing effects, or your defender will receive an extra shield.

However, you will not get much of an effect from answers you know very well. To make a dent, you will have to get your teeth into topics that are novel to you. But do not worry, the magic behind The Hundred will always ask questions that you find challenging. Questions about topics you have not fully mastered yet. Questions that extend and strengthen your knowledge. The Hundred will never become too easy or too hard.

The questions will always harmonize with your mind, and the answers will effortlessly sink in. Soon, you will know thousands of new things.

You are ready to join a guild.

Join a guild

There are plenty of great reasons to join a guild.

Guilds are the hustling and bustling trading hubs of The Hundred. Meet people, make friends, plan raids on other guilds, and level up guild buildings.

You will find that your base has an abundance of some resources and a notorious shortage of others. There are elusive resources you desperately need that others have plenty of. You may never have enough snowdrops to keep the ice dragon happy, and there might not be enough titanium to harden your best swords. Guilds will offer a marketplace to buy what you need and sell what you have in abundance.

You can also offer the services of your heroes here. If you need a hero with a rare unique skill to win a difficult battle, chances are you can hire one from the guild.

But most of all, guilds engage in exciting events.


There is always something to do in The Hundred. Events offer competition and collaboration throughout the year. Sometimes you have to battle other guilds for resources and prizes. Sometimes you have to work with other guilds to achieve a common goal.

There will be plenty of short events throughout the year to keep you engaged. They all build up to the four festivals where you can win special and unique prizes and gear: Christmas, Easter, Summer Solstice, and Halloween.

Make sure you stack up on those pumpkins to frighten the living daylight out of your enemies. Halloween is the only chance to get them.

For the Educators

The Hundred is just a game.

But it is also much more than just a game. It is an AI-optimised learning platform teaching 1200 facts from 12 subjects. The Scintilla AI ensures you learn at least three times faster and retain knowledge three times longer (and up to 20 times if you play for a few minutes every day!).

The AI generates a fully personalized experience, is 100% content-agnostic, and works for both young and old. Over time, we will provide The Hundred Classroom with pre-configured, syllabus-specific content for school systems all over the world.

The AI provides thorough analysis, which can be made available to educators so that young learners receive support and encouragement. In The Hundred for Educators, there will be options to prioritize content for revision management and test preparation. Teachers will gain insights for their teaching and set homework. If they wish to do so, they can do it without even telling the kids. All the kids have to do is play The Hundred.

The rest happens by magic.

For the Explorers

We have put six years of exploring spaced retrieval and plenty of other memory aids at the heart of The Hundred. We have seen our AI in action in 40 schools, and we have found that building habits is the core ingredient that can most effectively be supported in a game.

We have also discovered that learning and gaming are not at odds - far from it. In fact, gaming and learning have a lot in common. The accelerates learning and retention by a factor of three. It adapts to individual learning habits and optimises results for every user (for those interested, it models Ebbinghaus forgetting curves and schedules revision timing to maximize the spacing effect).

However, there are some learning habits for which the AI results take off like a rocket ship. At this sweet spot, factors go from three to 20 times and above. What are these habits? It happens when users of the AI engage in ways typical MMORPG players engage with their game.

We are convinced this is not a coincidence. When we love a game, we want to get better at it. We want to beat the boss. We want to be challenged and compete. We want to see results fast. We want to stay on top of our game.

No wonder we intuitively interact with games in the most brain-friendly way to achieve all of this. This makes a good game so enjoyable: a great gaming experience produces a great learning experience and vice versa. They can not exist without one another. The Hundred is no different - only the learning experience is relevant in and outside of the game.